How to Create an Accent Wall

An accent wall works great magic in any space. The main aim of having an accent wall is to draw close attention to a room that you would otherwise ignore. The accent gives your area a sense of flair and excitement and even boosts the mood in your home.

Different homeowners have varying preferences on which room should have an accent wall. But the good thing is that the accented wall will look gorgeous despite which room you choose. The big question that arises is which way you should use to come up with a great piece.

Here is a resourceful guide on how to create an accent wall.

Pick the right color.

A good idea while choosing an accent wall color is to pick ones that contrast the initial color system in the room. Or, you can decide to go for ones that integrate with the original color scheme. In this case, the color wheel is beneficial; contrast colors appear directly opposite to each other.

Select the appropriate wall

Some homeowners prefer accentuating behind a focal point in the house—for instance, the fireplace, behind a mirror or television area. At the same time, others prefer painting walls that have nothing interesting on them. Hence this part will depend on your personal preferences.

Settle on the appropriate accent design

Accent walls come in varying categories. All of which primarily perform the same function. Below are types of accent walls you can style on for your home.


Instead of repainting and having to develop complicated painting designs, wallpaper technology has dramatically come to our aid. They exist in literally all patterns, colors, and shades you can think of. It is the quickest solution to creating an accent wall.

Accentuated Ceiling

Yes, you can have a unique design on your ceiling and make it your accent.

Wood panels

Wood panels are a great choice if you love a traditional look without so many bright colors in your room.

Paint a bold color

Another simple way to achieve an accent wall is to use a very bold color compared to the rest of the walls. It will indeed be the center of attention in the room.

Paint stripes

Play around with the different paint patterns that pop up in your head. You will love the result.

Creating an accent wall is relatively easy since it involves coming up with what you love. However, if you are unsure how to go about it,  contact Brightstar House Painters in Rockville, MD (240) 449-1736. We have very professional handymen and will help you achieve your dream design in no time.    

Read our next article “Staining Vs. Painting

How to Create an Accent Wall