Why Use Zero Voc Paints and Coats in Rockville, MD?

In the past, low VOC paints were perceived just as a trend in the paint industry. However, in today’s world, these compounds are now deemed as a necessity, with the demand for zero-VOC paints rising with each passing day. Basically, almost every painting company is working towards creating products that are fit for the environment.

Most paints are made from toxic chemicals which are harmful to the environment once exposed to the air. These paints and varnishes produce Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which pollute the air in the surrounding.

With many imposed regulations, strict rules, the market for environmental-friendly paints is on the rise. Below are reasons why you should use zero VOC paints and coats in Rockville, MD.

Why low VOC paints?

Research shows that the traditional paints that were manufactured using Volatile Organic Compounds are very harmful to your health. They are a significant cause of the rising respiratory illnesses worldwide.

Nowadays,  we are now adapting to work from home schedules, and a  majority of us are now spending much time indoors closed doors. This means that your health is at risk if you use VOC paints for your surfaces.

Members of a household with VOC paints are susceptible to asthma, throat irritation, breathing difficulties, and a burning sensation in the eyes. Additionally, they can cause nausea, intense headaches, and damage to the liver or kidney. Even though low VOC paints are more expensive, they are worth the stretch.

When purchasing paints and coats, go for the low VOC types that have a top-tier green certification. They are the best since they support healthy and quality air-flow in your home.

Since you cannot get compounds with exactly zero VOC, check for brands with no more than 50 grams of VOC in a liter. Also, check out for the Green Seal mark, which ensures that a product is environmentally sustainable.

NOTE: A label that’s written ”zero VOC” does not mean that the paint has no VOC. It is just an indication that the compound meets the stipulated government regulations regarding the allowable amount.

Contact a House Painting Contractor

With the knowledge you have gained above, you can now head out to the store and purchase eco-friendly paint. But if you are still unsure of how to go about it, don’t worry. We at Brightstar House Painters are at your service.

Get in touch with us today at (240) 449-1736 and let us help you make the best decision in your life. We are ready to walk with you through your house painting journey, right from selecting the best paints to transforming your vision into reality.

Read our next article “Fire Retardant Paints

Why Use Zero Voc Paints and Coats in Rockville, MD